The Travelling Healer

I pay homage to the First Nations people and Traditional Custodians of Australia, past future and present, on this land  which I learn, work and grow on. May their connection & wisdom of Earth, Water and Sky ever be preserved and continued.

Yours truly with Father Sky, Mother Earth in the Kimberly!

Reiki for every body

Free of judgement, free of conditions, free of harm

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a simple, powerful and safe method of energy therapy. For relaxation, improving one's physical health and mental well-being, Reiki has an abundant list of benefits. It also requires very little on the part of the receiver, and can be received in person or via distance.  Wherever we exist in this world, energy flows! Receiving energy via distance is no less powerful.

See more below about the possible benefits of Reiki...

Physical pains

Migraines, muscle aches and pains, inflammation

Mental well-being

Assist in relieving stress, anxiety, distraction and insomnia

Reconnection to yourself

Giving yourself peace, time and space for relaxation allows for further inner peace, self-reflection and contentment.

Disclaimer: please note, Reiki is advised to not be used in place of your regular therapies and prescriptions without discussion of your medical professional. As a health practitioner myself, I aim to support individuals in their well-being and I do not take the place of a regular doctor/counsellor/phsyio etc.